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Forest School Blog

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  • Wednesday 16th October 2024

    Published 16/10/24, by Jess Hawkes

    Well, we are well and truly back into forest school this academic year!

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  • October half term 2023

    Published 29/10/23, by Admin

    Wow, what a FABULOUS half term back in the woods it has been! Time really does fly when you are having fun!!

    This half term the Oaks have started their Forest School journey with activities like making a potion, Journey sticks, Nature Bracelets and colour match activity! They have all done amazing and I am incredibly proud of them all!!

    Willows have been amazing too!! They had a 2 hour forest school session as part of their Marvellous middle! We had a fire to link in with their literacy of the Great fire of London. We made marshmallows, drank hot chocolate and even cooked popcorn on the fire too! They also built dens, did a journey stick and digging as part of the topic 'Where my trainers take me'. It was such great fun!!

    Chestnuts have been amazing too! Making dens and using the tools.

    Ash have been just as busy with more structured activities of play Ranger Sansom's Treasure Stash game. I had lots of treasure, forest related, they were split into teams they had to send one person at a time to look at my treasure, remember it, run back to tell their team and then send another person. This sounds simple enough but to add to the game they had me guarding my treasure so I was flapping my arms about to distract them! Great fun! Also we did a great tie dye session with blackberries. The results were amazing! Look at pictures on our facebook page.

    As a school to mark National Forest School Day we made a bug hotel! Oaks chose the location and stacked the pallets, Willows put in bricks, roof tiles, straw, pine cones and odd bits of wood, Chestnuts named it, designed a sign for it and added decorations and Ash chopped bamboo, put it in, added grass and sticks and then decorated it more! The bug hotel has been name as "Bug Shack" after the B52's song "Love Shack!". Brilliant!!!  I look forward to seeing what happens and if we get some resident bugs move in over before the winter!

    Have a wonderful half term and I look forward to the next half term. The season will really be turning from Autumn to winter so warm clothes will be needed. 

    Ranger Sansom X

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  • Monday 18th September 2023​​​​​​​

    Published 18/09/23, by Admin

    Welcome back to some more Forest School news!

    Well, it was so wonderful to be back to forest school but this year I will be a "Lone Ranger" as Ranger McLaughlin has moved onto pastures new so we wish her well in her new job.

    Last week was our first week back to it! Wednesday, Oaks kicked off this year with playing the fabulous game of "123.... where are you?" which is a great way to remind them of our call back at the end of our session. Lots of shouting and running about in the woods which was lots of fun! Next Willows came out and enjoyed a session with all the usual activities available. They got straight back to it with fabulous whittling, den building, nature arts and role plays!

    Thursday, Ash class were away enjoying themselves at the Frontier Centre so it was just Chestnuts who came out and they were on form. Everyone was busy! The previous week we had had an extra session to support their Stunning start of the new topic "Stoneage". We made dens and cooked stick bread on the open fire which was great fun. It was great to see the Chestnuts bringing their learning out to our child led forest school. They were building more dens and whittling Stoneage tools. I am really looking forward to seeing all the exciting things the rangers of Thurleigh get up to this half term.

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  • Friday 17th July 2023​​​​​​​

    Published 17/07/23, by Admin

    Hi everyone

    Well, this is my final blog for this school year, our second year of forest school and what a fabulous year it has been! I have witnessed some incredible things from your wonderful children. They have all been so imaginative and engaged in their own activities. There has been a massive improvement of their tool skills (digging, whittling, bowsaws and for the older ones Billhook to make mallets), fire skills (practising lighting the cotton wool and when assisting with the Kelly Kettle), den building skills (using sticks and tarps. Year 6's also had a time where they enjoyed building dens using off cuts of wood and a pallet!), strengthening their gross motor skills on the slackline, they have been using the long rope to make their own swings, zip lines and ladders, imaginative in using pipes to create water systems, we have also been graced by some performances of shows of things the children in Willows have learnt in school like St George and the dragon, we even had a nativity in June with a pagatis came to visit baby Jesus and have made excellent use of nature when being creative with art and role play. They have loved making a variety of things from mud like animals, cups, pots, spoons, pictures, mud faces on trees and pictures, crowns and even books. They all, done so well! Well done to them all!

    I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the year 6's all the very best for the future and with their next step onto Secondary school! I am sure you will all love it!!

    I also can't wait to see all the children who are still at Thurleigh plus the new ones as we head into year 3 of forest school. I am so excited to see what they get up to!

    Hope you have a wonderful summer,

    Ranger Sansom

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  • Friday 26th May 2023

    Published 26/05/23, by Admin

    Read on for more updates from Forest School

    Well, I can't believe a whole half term is done already! We have been getting up to lots of exciting things in Forest School!! Over this half term as well as the usual child-led fun we have we have also looked at World Earth day and World Bees Day! World Earth day was on 22nd April so in the week leading up to that we had some extra activities of a Nature scavenger hunt, sowing seeds in the woods and making an earth picture. Then for World Bee Day which was on 20th May we made bee-noculars (to look for bees), bee hotels to take home and did bee pictures! Children have been so creative by making their own slacklines, dens using different wood bits that we have, parachuting with tarp and climbing trees. The weather has gradually became nicer and we can now feel that summer is very much on its way. The Kelly kettle was enjoyed by all who attend forest school so lots of hot chocolate has been drank! 

    So now I wish everyone a relaxing break and I look forward to seeing you all in the second half of the summer term.

    Ranger Sansom

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  • Friday 21st April 2023

    Published 21/04/23, by Admin

    It felt great to be back in the woods after our Easter break. I loved hearing about what the children had been up to and of all the Easter eggs they received! 

    This half term our focus is that in small groups of 4 we will be doing the Kelly Kettle! This is one of my favourite activities and not just because we get to enjoy hot chocolate at the end. I love the challenge of it and how we have to work as a team to feed the fire keeping it going. The first 4 groups from each class all did amazingly well especially the Ash class group where we managed to keep the fire going and boil the kettle within 10 minutes! That is a personal best for me. I was as excited as the children!

    On Wednesday the usual fabulous activities were going on like tool work, digging, den building and being creative in the wood small group of children in Willows made swords with sticks and created a play for us to watch at the end of the session about St George. This is something they have worked on in class and heard about in assembly. I love how the children independently bring their classroom learning outside! 

    On Thursday the wind started to pick up just before our forest school session so for safety reasons we were unable to have forest school in the woods but that did not stop us! We brought our shoe lace practice shoes, tarp, a load of wood off cuts, a pallet, rope and rigger gloves onto the field. I was blown away at their creativity of using the wood to make dens, parachutes to run with and a maze for a small animal. Amazing! Luckily, the fire square is in a safe position for the Kelly kettle to go ahead and the blood bubble for toolwork. 

    A fabulous way to start back and can't wait to see what they come up with next week as we look at World Earth Day which is tomorrow (22nd April).

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  • Friday 24th February 2023​​​​​​​

    Published 24/02/23, by Admin

    It's been great being back in the woods for Forest School!

    This half-term we will be practising our fire lighting skills after ending the term with a fire and marshmallows! All age groups will have a chance to do this - even Oaks class! Also, the usual activities of den building, digging, arts and crafts will be available. This first week back the children have enjoyed being outside and we have witnessed them improving their skills of making a den, using the rope to make a new style pulley and whittling. I look forward to seeing what they all get up to over the next few weeks. We have Spring on our door step with our bulbs planted making an appearance, a special week to celebrate trees and ending with Easter where we will be doing a hunt!

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  • Friday 10th February 2023

    Published 10/02/23, by Admin

    Welcome back for more exciting Forest School news.

    The last couple of weeks, there has been some fun activities as well as the usual forest school fun available where we have focused on Children's Mental Health week. Your lovely children have been hugging trees, some of chestnuts and Ash even measured our big Ash tree to calculate the age which was over 200 years old, took a stone on a journey around the field on the back of their hands where a lot of concentration and focus was needed plus attempting to untangle themselves from the human knot where lots of communication was required as they had to keep their hands held together.

    The very last week was all about Fire and marshmallows where small groups came out to enjoy the warmth of the fire, watch the flames and to toast a marshmallow, to their preferred state to then consume. 

    I hope all the children have a lovely half term and I look forward to seeing them back in our woods for more forest school fun!

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  • Friday 20th January 2023

    Published 20/01/23, by Admin

    Here is the latest Thurleigh Forest School news

    Well, we have been back to forest school for the last two weeks braving the colder weather out in our beautiful woods! It's been so much fun! I have loved seeing them again and hearing about what they have got up to over the Christmas break! The wind was very strong on our first week which made us have a re think and play games. The children have the rest of the time been busy using tools where they can with Oak class starting to use potato peelers to whittle sticks. Also children have been mapping the field, building spooky houses out sticks, building swings to perfection, practising their jumping skills over moving a moving stick and using the ice found in the field to make art! 

    The next couple of weeks will be National story telling week and then Mental Health week where I have planned some activities for them to do related to this ending with' a rolling fire' the last week where the children will come out in small groups to toast a marshmallow and enjoy the warmth. So lots to look forward to for us.

    Ranger Nina

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  • Friday 9th December 2022

    Published 09/12/22, by Admin

    It's been a wonderful last few weeks enjoying our beautiful wood in Forest School. 

    We have really felt the weather change turning from Autumn to Winter so quickly. We have experienced many weathers of wind, sun, rain and for the last week, frost.

    Oaks are really starting to get into the routine of Forest School as they have moved on from whole group activities to having a couple of choices during their sessions. They have also begun den building with sticks plus digging activities where they have made mud paint. In the New Year they will begin using tools to whittle which is very exciting! 

    Willows, Chestnuts and Ash, as always, have blown my mind every week with their creativity. There have been swings made, leaf angels made, trees climbed, leaf printing with mud, and that's to name a few!

    As this last week is in the lead up to Christmas there have been some Christmas activities as an option for them. Some have made a Christmas tree decoration, whittled a Santa and attempted to build a life-size model of Santa's sleigh with sticks and tree stumps! It's been great fun!

    I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing the children all in the New Year with their waterproofs, warm clothing and wellies!

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  • Friday 14th October 2022

    Published 14/10/22, by Admin

    Today has been National Forest School Day!!

    This week we have marked National Forest School Day, which was on Friday 14th October by having our usual fun in our woods! This week we introduced Oaks to the slackline and they had the chance to make a nature bracelet. We also found a caterpillar which the children all decided to name Hugo! Willows, Chestnuts and Ash all were busy with the slackline, den building (with sticks and tarp), mud painting or art with natural resources, tool work and then they had the chance to practise their fire starting skills. All children were fully engaged and as always blew my mind with ideas they came up with! There was Autumn stick fairies whittled, mud animals made, a ladder which had been made last week was given a different location and the shared with the other children. I love their creativity and use of our beautiful woodland outside space. 

    Just a little reminder that weather is really starting to turn now with autumn with fully set in so wellies and waterproofs are an absolute must so the children can really get involved without messing up their uniform.

    Thank you

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